Becoming Eligible for a Cash Advance is Easy!
Did you know that of the hundreds of iKhokha merchants who have taken out a Cash Advance, more than 65% have come back for more?
The iKhokha Cash Advance definitely helps take your small business to the next level. Here’s how you can qualify for a custom Cash Advance offer:
- Be an active iKhokha merchant
- Must have traded for the past 3 months consecutively
- Must trade at least 3 times a month
- Must complete a minimum of 10 card transactions a month
- Must have completed a card transaction in the last 15 days
- Your turnover should be at least R2 500 per month
- Your average monthly turnover for the last 3 months must be higher than R3 125
Check your offer in the iKhokha app and decide how much of it you need. The more you process through iKhokha, the bigger the amount you qualify for!
Not sure how iK Cash Advance repayments work? Learn more here!